A Deep Dive into Quif Trend:01 – Just Exquisite
Published date 22 June 2023

Do blondes really have more fun? That might still be up for debate but what we do know is that blondes are probably one of the most popular services in salon.
With that being said, ‘Just Exquisite’, featured as part of the Quif Trend:01 collection from The Quif Art Team, celebrates an everyday wearable blonde bombshell look.
“I love that this is an everyday achievable look but with a twist of the technique, meaning that you can offer something different to a client in salon as they can’t recreate this at home,” says Quif Artist Sarah Dickenson. “This will make clients more loyal to your salon so you get them visiting more regularly to maintain the colour, ultimately bringing in more revenue.”
The team took a regrowth of natural 7 with grown out highlights, to this incredible exquisite blonde look creating high impact with fast techniques by using foils around the face to illuminate the hair and really make the blonde pop then toned with a rich, golden blonde to add brightness.
“I’d describe this look as an ‘LA blonde’. It’s clean but it’s creamy; it’s warm but without being yellow. It’s a rich blonde, it’s an expensive blonde.” adds Sarah. “For me you wouldn’t look at it as a golden blonde but it is, it’s the most beautiful colour.”
But who is the ideal client for this look?
A lot of blondes would aspire to be this colour and want to be that blonde client, but they might not choose the shade from the shade chart and the stylist might not think to use that technique.
The clavi cut appeals to someone who might be a little bit more into their fashion, a bit more daring and wanting to push boundaries as it draws attention to the collar bone and the shoulders. Short hair isn’t for everyone but it’s a nice inbetween cut.
Artist top tip: for the style, use a wide plate straightener and spray wax to control the frizz but define the waves. Regular toning (3-4 weeks) to maintain the colour.
Keep an eye out on the blog over the next few weeks for more deep dives into each look in the Quif Trend:01 collection!
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