Colour Blocking 101 with Wella
Published date 17 January 2024

Colour blocking has been a strong trend in fashion, home furnishings, makeup, and art - and now is the time for our hair to do the work! Colour blocking started in 1965, when young designer Yves Saint Laurent inspired by Piet Mondrian, became aware of the burgeoning women's liberation movement and wanted to offer easier mini shift dresses to allow his clients to move freely and express the notion of power in simplicity. Colour blocking was born and was a resounding critical and commercial success. Colour blocking has come around time and time again, each with its own personality.
This time colour becomes symbol of self-expression & radiance. From high contrast shades of blonde and cool combinations of tonal browns, to dreamy romantic pastels and optimistic bright pops, the season's big trend is colour blocking. Addressing all your customer's desires and wishes to promote a unique, energised look to complement their personality.
There are several ways in which colour blocking techniques translate to the hair. In a sense, chunky highlighting or low-lighting would classify as colour blocking, although most of the traditional colour blocking looks don't have multiple areas of the same colour. The secret to create a supreme colour clock lies in a combination of precise colour tones carefully selected for the aspired contrast together with the placement of the pro. From half-and-half manes, to vivid dip-dyes, to chunky face frames, any colour combination and painting technique goes with the show-stopping look. This combination allows of unlimited interpositions of this trend suitable for every desire.
Colour blocking creates the best canvas to be playful. Once the lightness is placed, make it a habit to offer an express top-up appointment 3-6 weeks later. This allows their hair to always feel fresh. The colour will never look dull or boring. Research shows that four of the six types of clients colouring in the salon look for a fashionable, fun, trendy colour that makes them stand out. This colour blocking service can be bold or subtle, blonde, brunette or redhead. There is a look for all your clients. The slightest change in colour placement can be the move your client needs to fall back in love with their hair. Colour blocking can be personalised so that you can design a look for each client. With a top-up appointment, you can tweak or intensify the tone so the client can keep evolving their look.
Creating magic by colours, this is not a law but can help to decide your placement. Be playful and personal, it can be colourful or even asymmetric. However, don't forget light vs dark! Dark colours can shorten and narrow a face shape, whereas light colours can lengthen and widen the face shape. Therefore, you should first identify the face shape and bear in mind, not everyone is most suited with a blonde money piece! When creating the perfect colour block, choose the placement & technioque most suited for your client, but they all have the below in common:
1. Lighten
Add the contrast. Don't forget if hair is lightened or naturally lighter, using Koleston Perfect may be enough.
2. Add depth
To neautralise, deepen or refine the base to enhance the colour block.
3. Glaze/Tone
Add shine & enhance tone. Be playful or subtle, this is the final touch.
4. Care & Maintain
Create that flawless finish as crucial as the colour, the right care regimen will protect and enhance the colour and prevent damage.
Your Essential Colour Blocking Shopping List:
- Shinefinity - 010/0, 010.6, 010/8, 00/66, 08/8, 08/38, 07/81, 09/81, 09/61, 00/00, 00/89, 08/98
- Koleston Perfect - 10/8, 0/28, 5/82, 0/65, 0/88, 4/82, 44/02, 8/96
- Shinefinity Activator
- Welloxon 1.9% and 6%
- Blondorplex Bleach Powder
How to: Alice Band Blocking/Chunky Highlights
1. Start by sectioning large triangle sections spanning across the parting, depending on your desired result you can apply your foils back-to-back or leave out a slice between.
30g BlondorPlex + 45m; 6% Welloxwen Perfect Developer.
2. After lightening apply the darker mixture to the unlightened areas and lighter shade to the pre-lightened areas.
3. Mix A - 5/82 + 4% Welloxon Perfect Developer Shinefinity
4. Mix B - 1-g 07/75 + 10g 08/0 + 10g 08/98
Hint: *Koleston perfect for ultra cool results*
Ideal for clients looking to maximise on the trend with permanent results and maximum visibility.
How to Peek-a-Boo Panels/Hidden Panels:
1. Start by completing a bleach regrowth application. 30g BlondorPlex + 45ml 6% Welloxon Perfect Developer.
2. Once lightened, section out a diagonal back section from the front hairline to behind the ear, you can make this section smaller or larger depending on the desired result.
3. Apply Mix B to the underneath panel from root to tip Mix B 10g 08/8 + 1g 00/89
4. Apply Mix A to the panel. Mix A 010/0
Hint: Shinefinity for zerolift
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